Friday, June 29, 2012

The Gibson Girl

Today, 29th June is The Gibson Girl Day, because it's the 127th anniversary of the Camille Clifford's birth.

The Gibson Girl was the personification of the ideal woman of the Belle Époque in United States. Its creator was the illustrator Charles Dana Gibson.
There are different points of view, given that some people think that The Gibson Girl is the first national standard for American women and other people disagree. Anyway the Gibson's illustrations were very popular during the early 1900's.

Many models posed for this artist, even his wife, but the most famous one was the Belgian actress Camille Clifford. She was the perfect model for these beautiful illustrations.

Happy Birthday Mrs. Clifford!

I would like to recommend you the next article about The Gibson Girl and its creator. Essential reading for all those concerned about the vintage art and history.

And the next one is specially for my lovely readers from Spain and/or South America.


  1. Me ha encantado. ¿De dónde sacas estas ideas? camile era un reloj de arena. Aún hoy tiene digna seguidora...

    1. me alegro!! es que llevo tanto tiempo con ganas de hacer un blog, que tengo muchas ideas ;)

      Ufff lo del enlace que me has puesto (por llamarlo de alguna forma) da mucha grima!!! parece que se va a partir! jeje
