Sunday, August 19, 2012

Like Robin Hood:)

Hello!Today I will show you one of my last purchase: my pair of seamed tights. The brand is Leg Avenue.
It curious because I was watching 'The Adventures of Robin Hood' yesterday and this post popped up my head. A lovely classic to watch, eating popcorn:)

Tights/panty hoses and stockings are fashion must-have to most of us, but they have been present for a long time and also, have some dramatic connotations in the history. 
Men wearing tights?
If we want to know further information, the breeches of 12th century European men were close fitting and worn much like modern day tights but held up with laces at the waist. In the 15th-16th century,The King Henry VIII of England may be a good example...
In the early 17th century, 'hose' were commonly worn by men as you will often see in the period dramas based on this era. Hose were made from wool, silk or cotton and remained in fashion until the end of the 18th century, when long trousers made an appearance (Thanks God! I don't like men wearing tights :)
Nylon Stockings? Yes, please!
Female ancestors could not show their legs because it was not socially acceptable. By the early 1920's women’s stockings were almost exclusively made from silk. Next picture was taken in summer time where the Flappers used to wear the new age of 'Rolled stockings'
In the mid 1920's the famous Jantzen bathing suit appeared and women were rolling there stockings just below the knee with their swimwear. But this was a fad, because by the late 1920's disappeared. (If you want further information, check out next link from Glamoursplash blogspot)
In the 1930s, stockings were something more seen with the invention of nylon because it was more accesible to ladies who could not afford silk version.
Dr. Wallace Carothers from Dupont with his famouse saying 'as strong as steel and as fine as a spider’s web' patented the process of making nylon and women legs changed. It was shocking because nylon was used for other kind of items such as toothbrush bristles.The first nylon pair of stocking hit New York department stores in 1939.
During the war, women donated their used silk stockings for making missiles and the production of nylon went into the war effort for making parachutes, given that firstly parachutes used to make of silk and then they discovered that nylon is tougher than silk.
Nylon stockings were the favorite gift of American soldiers to impress British women. But to maintain a sense of style and sophistication during those tough times, ladies took to painting a seam onto the back of their legs so that it looked like they were wearing nylon stockings.
Seamless stockings arrived in the 1950′s, and during the 1960s textile manufacturing processes improved and nylon became even luxurious with the invention of elastane or Spandex.
To finish, I would like to post the lyrics of a song called 'When the Nylons Bloom Again', written by George Marion Jr and Fats Waller, that captured wistful sentiments of American women during the WWII because they yearned the end of the War and the time when nylon would be commonly available again.

Gone are the days when I’d answer the bell
Find a salesmen with stockings to sell
Gleam in his eye and measuring tape in his hand
I get the urge to go splurging on hose
Nylons a dozen of those
Now poor or rich we’re enduring instead
Woolens which itch
Rayons that spread

I’ll be happy when the nylons bloom again
Cotton is monotonous to men
Only way to keep affection fresh
Get some mesh for your flesh
I’ll be happy when the nylons bloom again
Ain’t no need to blow no sirens then

When the frozen hosen can appear
Man that means all clear

Working women of the USA and Britain
Humble dowager or lowly debutant
We’ll be happy as puppy or a kitten
Stepping back into their nylons of DuPont

Keep on smiling to the nylons bloom again
And the WACS come back to join their men
In a world that Mr. Wallace planned
Strolling hand in hand.


  1. Aquí ahora no es tiempo de medias ni leotardos, pero la verdad es que hay algunas/os estampadas/os y sin estampar muy chulas/os. Y éstas que no son pantys, que llegan a la pantorrilla (¿hay chicos por aquí? Ejem) parecen incómodas, pero no lo son para nada.

    Muy bueno lo de Robin de los Bosques. El rey ya me gusta menos, jeje.

    Son muy monas las fotos e interesante el post.

    1. Sí la verdad es que las medias tienen mucha historia.En la segunda guerra mundial es increíble, todo el ingenio que se le ponía.Son una prenda muy femenina, aquí las tengo que llevar todo el año:)
      Y se me olvidó decir que ¡Qué guapo Errol Flynn!todo un galán y caballero aún con medias jejeje

    2. Bueno, entonces irás muy guapa todo el año.

      Y Errol un pedazo galán. El hijo también era guapito (pobrecito), pero el padre era tremendo.

    3. Algo es algo sí,pero se echa de menos también no llevarlas, y esos vestidos encanta el piqué:)
      Es que la madre también era muy guapa, tengo que dedicarles un post a la familia:) Te dejo a tí las críticas de las películas que se te dan mejor!

    4. ¡Ay, Lili Damita! La estuve viendo hace poco con ese monumento que es Gary Cooper en "Fighting Caravans", de las primeras de Cooper, pero muy entretenida. Me gustó muchísimo ella, además.

      ¡Me encantará ver esa entrada de la familia!

    5. ¡Oh que bonito western! no me suena que fuera rodado en Almería, pero aún así me gustó mucho. ¡Ya sabes! una propuesta de película para tu blog?:)

    6. No, éste es de los americanos. Los de Almería son europeos y de los sesenta, pero es muy bonito, sí, y más clásico.

      Me apunto la idea del post. Muchas gracias.

    7. Ahh es verdad, no estoy muy puesta en épocas de cine western, gracias por la aclaración:)
      Estaré encantada de leerlo, seguro que te queda genial!

  2. No pasa nada, chiquilla :)
    Gracias por la idea.

  3. ay como trabajo a tiempo parical en una tienda de ropa interior yo me vuelvo loca con todo el tema y más con las medias, tengo por lo menos 100 diferentes creo jiji y claro en camden me compré otros seamed stockings, muy originales k parecen stay pus pero no son!
    un beso mary

    1. Ahora entiendo tu colección! Jeje amor de profesión , a mi me pasa igual pero con el maquillaje ;)
      Yo desde este par me he comprado varias más, pero no soy de ponerme medias muy diferentes, aunque me encanta verlas y las que tu sacas son preciosas ;)
      Besos !
